After weeks of denial, Christina Milian and The Dream are finally going public with their engagement. Milian, who was seen sporting a sparkling gem on her left ring finger three months ago, and producer/singer-songwriter The Dream confirmed their upcoming nuptials with Sister 2 Sister magazine and disclosed plans to have their engagement party in the Bahamas."Keyshia [Cole] told us backstage that she wanted to give The Dream and Christina a shout-out during her performance, but she wanted to let them say it first. Well they've said it, so its official," S2S Magazine reported.In related headlines, Milian is scheduled to release her new album, tentatively titled 'Elope,' later this year. The Dream and Milian are said to be working on 'Elope' together.
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They had a picture of them leaving the airport together how long did they think they can cover it up lol